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Robert Berry

Beach Specialist

About Robert

For me, holidays are one of the reasons that the majority of people work so hard in their jobs - to earn the money to be able to create memories of seeing the world, whether it’s a weekend in Las Vegas or New York, or a relaxing holiday in the Indian Ocean. Working in travel and selling holidays is so much easier than other industries as it can be so fulfilling to know you’re helping people create those memories. As another bonus, being able to sell a product that you’re so passionate about makes the job so much more appealing. 

Talking points

What's your favourite destination?

The Maldives. As I’ve gotten older, I find that I am a lot more comfortable being able to relax for the majority of a holiday – I want to be able to completely unwind. What better way to do it than on your own desert island, surrounded by crystal clear waters, stunning accommodations, and incredible staff to be able to help your stay even more memorable... whilst also having the option to take part amazing activities such as snorkelling or water-sports.

Which destination is top of your bucket list, and why?

Seychelles – the only place I sell that I am yet to visit. The resorts are stunning and the country looks beautiful.

How many languages do you speak?

2 – English & Cockney Rhyming Slang.

Which five items do you always pack when travelling?

Headphones, sunglasses, aftershave, cash, smart shirts for the evening.

What's your top travel tip?

Make the most of your time at the destination. See the sunrise, see the sunset, stay away from social-media, lift your head up from your phone and enjoy the time you have at the place you are, and never turn down the opportunity to do something that you might initially be scared of, for example Stingray Island in Antigua. Remember, you will not regret taking part in an activity or having a new experience.