Mon - Fri 9:00am - 6:00pm Mon 6 May 2024: CLOSED -
Sat 10:00am - 4:30pm
01242 386 476
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Claudia Pinto Basto

Senior Travel Consultant

01242 386 476

01242 386 476



Where in the world

Tandayapa, Ecuador

Head up the old Nono-Mindo road to discover the Bellavista Cloud Forest Reserve. This spectacular forest is one of the most highly renowned bird-watching destinations in Ecuador. It has even been awarded the Audubon Christmas Bird Count for the highest number of species sighted in one day. During your experience, you will also visit the hand-built home of Tony Nunnery, an avid birding enthusiast. Here, as many as 39 species of hummingbird have been recorded.

On arriving in the forest, take hiking trails and small dirt roads to explore the many habitats. Teeming with rare and colourful species, keep your camera at the ready. You may sight speciality birds such as plate-billed mountain toucan and golden-headed quetzal. Visit nearby reserves such as the recently-opened Reserva Paz de las Antpittas. Here, you may view an Andean cock-of-the-rock also known as tunki, as well as several species of antpitta including giant, moustached and yellow-breasted.

Overlooking the vast Tandayapa Valley, Tony Nunnery's house sits in a hot spot for viewing hummingbird. Some of the region’s best-loved creatures, watching these fascinating birds going about their business can be incredibly rewarding. Lunch is then served within a breath-taking dome. Here, the magnificent views and incredible bird-watching opportunities continue.

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