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How we're transforming lives in Zambia

Living with HIV is a daily reality for many women in Zambia, but A&K Philanthropy is helping turn things around.

Zambia is ranked among the top 25 countries in the world for the highest number of pregnant women living with HIV. Approximately 28,000 babies are born HIV positive every year.

For the people of Nakatindi, this stark statistic is a daily reality. The village lies on the outskirts of Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site known worldwide for Victoria Falls. The natural beauty of this region makes it a popular destination, and A&K Philanthropy (AKP) is working hard to ensure that the benefits of tourism are passed on to the people who call it home. AKP has partnered with the Nakatindi community, working hard to buck this trend and change things for the better. 


Nakatindi clinic

The people of Nakatindi used to travel four kilometres to reach their nearest healthcare clinic, sharing it with other communities in the region. AKP constructed a new healthcare clinic in 2010, which now cares for 50 people every day. In addition to essential care, it offers women and their partners advice on family planning, as well as vaccinations for children under five, paving the way for a healthier population.


Maternity unit
Following on from this success, AKP opened a much-needed maternity unit to prevent pregnant women passing HIV on to their unborn children. Through early diagnosis, access to antiretroviral drugs and regular treatment, the rate of mother-to-child transmission drops from 45 per cent to just below five per cent. This crucial care guarantees the people of Nakatindi a more hopeful future. You can see for yourself the sterling work of the doctors and nurses here, as visits can be arranged from nearby Sanctuary Sussi & Chuma lodge.

Just the beginning

Five years since the foundations were laid on this project, it has proved a lifesaver for the people of Nakatindi. Although a complex challenge, the collective work of small initiatives like this can accumulate to have a global impact.  This is just the start – but what a great start it is.

If you’d like to get involved with any of A&K Philanthropy’s projects, you can find out more at