Mon - Fri 9:00am - 6:00pm
Sat 10:00am - 4:30pm
01242 386 472
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Neil Dunham

Senior Travel Consultant

01242 386 472

01242 386 472


2 hours

Where in the world


Take part in a private Baci Ceremony in Laos, South-east Asia that will not only connect you to local villagers but is said to bring good luck and happiness.

The ritual is one of the most important ceremonies in the country's culture. Baci, which means ’calling the soul’, is an age-old tradition performed to mark special occasions in a family, from a new baby and marriage to those embarking on a long journey.

Join our guide and take part in this ceremony. You will get the opportunity to sit on the floor with the elders of the community. In front of you is a central shrine decorated in flowers and food offerings. The villagers complete the ritual by tying cotton strings around your wrists as a symbol of their blessings and wishes.

The ceremony predates the arrival of Buddhism to the country and is said to be the most respectful form of welcome you can receive. During the ritual you will be treated to a performance of traditional music and dance.

After the ceremony, your guide will transfer you back to your hotel or on to your next destination.  

Additional notes about the tour

This experience operates daily

Starts at 17:00 and ends 19:00

Available as an add-on to a daily excursion

No dress code specified, but would we recommend that guests dress respectfully


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Call us on 01242 386 472