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Mencey Rodriguez Barrios

Senior Travel Specialist

About Mencey

Born on the Canary Islands, my life has always been related to tourism. Travel makes me feel alive and I am grateful every time I jump on a plane. My favourite things about travelling are experiencing new emotions, encountering new cultures and growing from them. I very much enjoy gastro-tourism and let myself indulge whilst discovering new places by its flavours. My most memorable travel moments include exploring the stunning St. Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow and the challenge of driving a scooter in Bali. I love meeting locals and understanding how life varies in this amazing world.

Talking points

What's your favourite destination?

Iceland is the perfect place to let yourself go and appreciate the beauty of nature

Which destination is top of your bucket list, and why?

This changes every day but right now Colombia is grabbing my attention as it has lots of contrasts and Colombians are also so joyful. But you never know, I might end up changing my mind tomorrow and be dreaming about stargazing in the Atacama desert in Chile or hiking to Table Mountain in South Africa

How many languages do you speak?

Four with varying degrees of success - Spanish, English, German and a little bit of French

Which five items do you always pack when travelling?

A good book, a diary, mosquito repellent, headphones and my passport

What's your top travel tip?

Don't judge anywhere until you visit it. Be open-minded and meet the locals. This is the best way to get to discover a country's best bits